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Donation, Vendor & Sponsorship Opportunities
Get your brand in front of an engaged audience of Christian Moms, Teen Girls and Youth Leaders.
We'd love to partner with you!
UncommonTEEN Live is a two-day conference designed specifically for Christian teen girls and their moms/mentors to help them overcome the real life challenges they are facing in a way that stays true to who God created them to be.
We are honored to invite you to join us
as a partner with UncommonTEEN Live 2024
in Mt Juliet, TN.
Are you ready to be
a part of a
life-changing summer?

Help a Teen Girl & Her Mom Go to UncommonTEEN Live!

We believe in this generation of teens and so does God!
Thank you for helping teen girls and their moms go to UncommonTEEN Live so they can experience Jesus is a real, tangible way.
True freedom comes through the Word of God and through a relationship with our Lord and Savior!
Thank you, again!
Sponsorship Opportunities

Vendor space is first come, first served and is available in high-traffic areas throughout the venue. ($40)
10'×10' booth space. Please bring a table and chairs. There will be power if needed.

HOPE GIVER ($40-$499)
Small Logo & Link on Conference Site
Thanked on Social Media
Thanked in Conference Workbook
Swag Bag Insert (Plan for 100)
Medium Logo & Link on Conference Site
Business Promoted on Social Media
Quarter Page Ad in Conference Workbook
Swag Bag Insert (Plan for 100)
1 Minute Video Ad played before sessions.
Your Flyer placed on each attendees chair.
Large Logo & Link on Conference Site
Shout Out on UncommonTEEN Podcast
Business Promoted on Social Media
Full Page Ad in Conference Workbook
Swag Bag Insert (Plan for 100)
1 Minute Video Ad played before sessions.
3-5 Minutes on Stage before a Session to share.
Your Flyer placed on each attendees chair.
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